Forum Discussion

OldSalt92's avatar
Aug 19, 2017

Newbie researching Class A.

I am returning to researching purchase of an RV for travel and some extended stay, now that gas prices have lowered and we retired. I like getting off the expressways and traveling the two lane. Was thinking a shorter unit, 33' to 35' would handle better on smaller, winding roads.a salesman said 39' to 40' would handle just as well, same width (and same brand). Do you agree or was he just trying to upgrade me to a more expensive unit?
  • I've had a 40', 36' and now a 34, all the same brand. Unlike the other posters I find the 34' to be a much different experience than the 40.

    On the highway the 34' handles about the same as the 40 with the exception of when fast moving semis blast by on my left. The 34' is buffeted a bit more than the 40. But where I really notice the difference is in parking and general maneuvering. The 34' is so much easier. I was really amazed at the difference that 6' in wheelbase makes.

    Also, on those really tight curvy roads I no longer worry about the back tires dragging over the center line. Just like driving a big pickup!

    I don't have near the storage capacity I had with the 40' but I never needed all that stuff anyhow!
  • I would like to point out that the OP lives in the east and to 2 respondents live in the west. The roads in the east are a little narrower and the corners a little tighter.
  • My 43.5 ft loves the 2 lane curvey mountain roads! Base your size on living comfort, and don't worry about whether it fits on the road or not.
  • We've had several 35 foot motor homes and now have a 39 foot one. Cannot tell that 4 feet or so is back there. Drives the same . Suggest go for test drives in few of different sizes, but in the end it's all about the floor plan. You might like the extra 4ft or the smaller one might fit you just right.
  • Some wheel bigger MHs on narrow roads no sweat. Will you? Staying in private RV parks the size would make little to no difference. Staying in public CGs would make a difference between the two. Where do you want to camp? Has the "salesman" driven the bigger boy for hundreds of days to make that statement? I'll bet his/her commission is more on the bigger one.