Forum Discussion

PSUJIM85's avatar
Apr 21, 2016

NEWMAR DUTCHSTAR 43 footer question

I have been hearing that the 2016 full slide has had issues with front axel and tire overloading and also slides that sag when out. When I ask the Newmar people, there is no information on it? I was about to buy one and wanted to hear from possible current owners. I was looking at a 4369 or the 4381 floor plans.

I see the 2017 has a higher axel rating - 17,000 pounds and an optional Spartan K2 chassis as well as the Frightliner Star.

Any input would be much appreciated.
  • We love Newmar motorhomes but personally, we would never purchase a full slide on any motorhome, not only Newmar. Just by the design you can see how things could go wrong.

    Newmar basically invented slide mechanisms way back when. They have continued to use the same mechanism until this full slide deal and tag axles - basically with the addition of these big, heavy motorhomes being produced nowadays that folks seem to want. For these application they've switched to the HWH hydraulic slide. This is when the problem occurred.
  • Here is a link about it. Just me but I'd go with the 2017 with the bigger rated front axle.
