Forum Discussion

choppermtn's avatar
Aug 26, 2019

newmar repair manuals

I have a 1999 newmar mountain aire v10 Does anyone know where I can get a maintenance manual showing the construction / wiring / mechanical ? I have a few issues that could be much faster with information. My gas gauge just stopped working and went to full so either the ground or sending unit. I have a couple of soft spots on the roof. I am thinking about attempting the roof repair and replacing the rubber. I am very mechanical but never attempted this.
  • Newmar put together a website called Newgle (register here) that has a bunch of information about their coaches. They require your coach serial number to give you a login. The site is marginally useful. It does not contain wiring diagrams or the like for the house portion. No plumbing diagrams. But it does have links to manuals for all the stuff in the house as well as the chassis information from Ford. You would think that with your serial number they would only show what is in your coach, but they show pretty much anything they have ever used so you need to dig a lot. Maybe they will improve it in the future.

    Gas gauge issue, that's Ford. Changing a sending unit is not fun, so hopefully it's just a wiring issue. Replacing the roof is a lot of work but is pretty straightforward. You will need to remove the A/c, skylight, all the vents and the metal trim that holds the edges with probably at least a hundred screws.
  • Split the coach in half (up/down not left/right) at the floor, chassis and house. Ford is your go to for the chassis and a laundry list of manufacturers for the appliances (A/Cs, TVs, microwave, water heater,,,). Regarding the structure, plumbing, wiring, roof and such you need to think more along the line of the brick and mortar home. There might be design drawings, material listings and such but you'll find little regarding how the builder would repair/replace the roof, flooring or shower enclosure for example.

    Fortunately there are owners who document their efforts and post to Youtube, forums and personal blogs regarding how they did the work. Don't fixate on Newmar and think concept or general application regarding repairs. Newmar may have aluminum cross members rather than wood in the roof but it's still a synthetic membrane glued to light ply and cross members when you start peeling the layers back.

    Work directly with Newmar for the design drawings and such but don't get your hopes up to high. 20 years is a long time to keep documents, even electronically. For the chassis eBay might be your best source for the chassis repair shop manual.
  • RV makers do NOT have service manuals for the House part. Your Gas tank sending un it problem will be a chassis maker problem. Ford will be the go to company. Doug
  • I'd research the chassid manufacturer, for their manuals. Other than the owners manual that goes with the coach, I don't believe Newmar has a coach repair manual.

    I could be wrong so, call Newmar parts desk see what they say.