Forum Discussion

Redeye2280's avatar
Aug 08, 2022

No Power Thru the Power Cord into the Rig

Hi Folks,

Really need your help! I plugged our 2016 Jayco Alante 31V into the outlet outside of the garage using the normal adapter that we always use and checked inside the rig for power and nothing.

I flipped all the breakers inside the rig numerous times, pulled all the fuses, checked the GFI inside the bathroom(although without power inside the rig it was hard to check). I also checked the outlet outside the garage to make sure it was hot and used a different adapter.

Wondering if there's a hidden GFI or something. Anybody have any ideas. Could the power cord itself go bad???

I would really appreciate any help and suggestions from ya' all!

Thanks so much,

  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    A very handy took also a safety device is the TLT.
    Another tool you might wish to have is the POWER LINE MONITOR.

    I just got a Home Depot Credit card (Also used it to buy a UPS and just paid it off doubt I'll ever use it again: So the first link is a Three Light Tester at Home Depot

    Three Light Tester at Home Dedpot

    As A Ham Radio operator I frequently buy stuff From Martin Jude's company

    Plug in voltmeter

    Camping world also carries them

    Finally you might want to consider something like the device below. NOTE it comes in both 30 and 50 amp models (Get what matches your RV) and also comes in both hard wired (Linked for reasons that follow) and "Portable"

    Progressive Industries "Surge Protector"

    I like the hard wired better because
    1: You never forget it
    2: Those who have sticky fingers never see it and out of sight out of mind.

    Note add the remote and IT monitors line voltage (And current) for you so you don't need the MFJ meter.
  • BB_TX wrote:
    Using voltmeter.
    Verify power at the receptacle you plugged in to.
    If power there, verify power out of your adapter.
    If power there, verify power to the RV end of your power cord.
    If power there, then problem is in the RV.
    This will tell if the problem is outside of or inside of your RV and where to start next.

    Best way to approach...systematic. Work your way along the circuit until you find power isn't flowing.

    Works for 12v issues also starting at the battery (though you may want to cut power to the charging system to isolate the source to the battery).

    A voltmeter is best but if you don't have a voltmeter, you use any small electrical device (assuming you have a suitable adapter). Plug a worklight/fan/etc in and if it works, you have power up to that point...then move to the next point in the circuit.
  • Got it guys... I had double checked power at the receptacle and start thinking about the microwave. I always use the microwave to let me know if there's power to the rig.

    Before I popped the door open to above the microwave where it is plugged in, I checked a few of the plugs and they all worked. Checked the air conditioner and it worked. Went back to the GFI and it worked.

    Looked above in the hatch area where the microwave was plugged in and saw that the panel housing the receptacle for the plug was loose and away from the wall on one side and the plug was loose. Plugged it back in all the way and the microwave came on!

    Score one for us idiots!!! Sometimes they let us out to roam... what a day to skip my meds, ey?

    Needless to say, everything is working correctly now. Not sure why my battery wasn't charging the first few times I checked 'em and not sure why the GFI did'nt cooperate the first time either but it's all good now.

    This is definitely one for my books. I sure do appreciate you guys and your consideration and help!

    Thank you so much,

  • Using voltmeter.
    Verify power at the receptacle you plugged in to.
    If power there, verify power out of your adapter.
    If power there, verify power to the RV end of your power cord.
    If power there, then problem is in the RV.
    This will tell if the problem is outside of or inside of your RV and where to start next.
  • bukhrn wrote:
    Are you absolutely positive that there is Power at the outlet on the garage?

  • bukhrn's avatar
    Explorer III
    Are you absolutely positive that there is Power at the outlet on the garage? You are using an adapter, so I assume it's a 15A outlet. Try plugging something else into it.