Forum Discussion

PatAng2016's avatar
Aug 21, 2016

No turning back... need advise moving forward

What a Journey it was through the process of buying a RV! It was a awesome but exsulsting experience.

First and for most I want to thank all the Full timers that inputted the good, the bad and the ugly. While I may not have liked everything I read...I took it to heart and did my homework.

What we ended up with came in part from the advise given in this thread followed up with a ton of research!

We got a gently used 2014 Newmar Ventana 4369 that we are very proud of. We added tire monitoring to the rig and the Enclave, a Blue Ox 10k lb, and a Air Force One Breaking system.

We have decided to take the plunge into full time RVing. We've listed the house with our favorite realtor and a potential buyer is coming this afternoon. The Auctioneer is coming out today as well to evaluate and a auction date has been set.

We are looking at class A 40 Foot and are really liking the Fleetwood Revolution Deisel Pusher. We are looking at slightly used ones. We've found 2 of them and they sold so fast we didn't even have a chance. We have been reading up and trying to figure out how to go about it. We were thinking as soon as the house is sold head south towards Florida in our car to find our dream RV.. because I've read that the prices are better there. Yes? No?

Other questions have also came up between me and my husband that I am also need to find advise on, so I will list them below. If you could shed some light on any or all of them we would very much appreciate it.

Does anyone travel with a Cat? We have one and I don't want to leave her behind at my SIL's if we can help it. But I don't want her to be miserable either.

We currently have a 2015 Buick LaCrosse and are not sure if it will be the right vehicle to tow as it is a full size sedan which add's more length to the already 40 foot RV. We were considering trading for a 2 door Jeep but after the last news flash with the Jeep that caught fire, I'm concerned. Does anyone have trouble getting into campgrounds with a long rig? What kind of tow set up do you use? Is there anything you can advise me to watch out for?

Mail... how do you get your mail? We have been considering escapees. Is it worth it? We will also be having medications shipped to were ever we are, any advise on this?

We are also considering making our Domicile Texas for obvious reasons pp taxes ect.. How do we go about switching everything over to TX. Do we need to make a trip there? Trying to figure out how to get a address there, then I would assume we need to physically go to the DMV?? Should we do this before we make the big purchase?
  • Budget? Motor homes can be very expensive to operate. Heck 3 to 6 thousand dollars for tires is not uncommon. Are you prepared for that sort of expense? I understand their glamor, but you can get far more for your dollars in other RV types.
    Changing addresses is simple. Just like when you change houses. Get your new address, file a change of address form with the USPS, done. Most people have weined themselves off of snale mail. Online bill paying and online bill notification ends almost everything but certain government notices. The rest us usually junk mail. After 11 weeks on the road the amount of actual useful main was down to maybe 12 pieces. The rest of a pretty hefty box was junk.
    Lots of people travel with pets, cats and,dogs are very common. Up to date on shots is critical.
    Next biggie is doctors and medications.
    Can you tow your Buick? Dont know. Ask the dealer maybe.

    Remember, RVs are a depreciating asset. What ever you buy will be worth much less come time to sell.
  • A 40' MH should not be a problem in most campgrounds, even with a tow car. We have a 45' MH and tow a truck and it's rarely an issue. When we tow our trailer we have fewer options.

    I don't see your car listed as flat towable (

    We use a Roadmaster tow Bar and baseplates. We've had the same one for 12 years and it's been great.

    The Escapees would be a good choice for mail forwarding. We use Walmart for prescriptions. There's a Walmart on every corner.