Forum Discussion

nohurrynoworry's avatar
Feb 06, 2017

Norcold not working on AC

Hi All

Have a Norcold 6000 series (about 20 years old) that works well on propane but as of recently, not on AC. With a simple 120 V light I know I have power leaving the terminals where the two black wires leave the circuit board module and go to the tubular heating element. I also took off these two leads and hooked them directly to a 120 V extension cord to bypass all the fridge components. I am now thinking that the AC heating element is the issue, but it looks like it's difficult to remove and replace it as it is up high in the insulated stovepipe sheet-metal boiling unit. Any input on the diagnosis and advice on replacing the unit? Thanks in advance. Mark
  • Did you get the outside wet? washed it maybe ?
    If you did try a strong magnet on the front of the black module box. Mine was doing the same thing after washing the outside and getting water in the side vent. Yes a magnet rubbed on the module box will click the breaker switch. good luck
  • I replaced one on my old 5th wheel a few years ago. Not knowing what I was doing, it took about 1/2 hour. Pretty simple on that one.