irishgrammarn*zi29 wrote:
Wolfe was killed at Quebec. In any event I can't take seriously anything written by a person unable to attempt proper spelling and punctuation. I assume that a person who's
unable to even attempt such basic tasks is also unable to reason well.
It speaks volumes when someone (i.e., a "doosh" such as irishgrammarn*zi29) seemingly believes himself to be intellectually superior to others yet clearly and unequivocally exhibits a lack of a basic understanding of elementary level punctuation, layout, and grammar.
There are two (2) spaces to be inserted after a period that ends a sentence; irishgrammarn*zi29 only inserted one (1).
Also, irishgrammarn*zi29 incompetently failed to insert a comma in the following sentence (which I have corrected): "In any event, I can't take seriously anything written by a person {who is} unable to attempt proper spelling and punctuation." The brackets and the content contained therein were added by me to clarify what irishgrammarn*zi29 was attempting to properly state but ultimately failed.
It should be pointed out that those competent in punctuation will correctly note that the type of curly brackets (braces) I used above are technically improper, yet the use of standard box brackets was not allowed on this forum due to limitations imposed by its respective formatting rules.