Forum Discussion

DaCrema's avatar
Dec 15, 2014

OCCC question. Roadtrek 22 vs PW Plateau

I normally post in the class c forum. My sister is looking at a Class B RV to buy used (2009-2012). She likes the floor plans of a Roadtrek 22' and the Pleasure Way Plateau. Sorry I do not know the exact model of the Roadtrek 22'. Both units are built on the MB Sprinter with v6. The Roadtrek has four wheels while the Plateau has six. Anyone here know the OCCC for the two. My gut tells me the Plateau would be greater but construction and factory equipment might make it closer than I think. Anyone know where we can find the numbers?
Thanks in advance
  • Neecies wrote:
    Davydd wrote:
    Roadtrek did with the Adventurous RS but Pleasure-way from the get go built on the 6 wheel 3500 chassis for their Plateau.

    Uh, incorrect. Pleasureways were all four wheels on the 2500 chassis until either 2008 or 2009.

    Nope, correct. I have a 2009 brochure in hand that shows a 3500 body NCV3 Plateau. I have a 2008 brochure that was still selling the 2500 T1N body. I had heard they may have marketed a 2500 NCV3 body initially in Canada but never in the US. I remember it well because I had a Pleasure-way at the time and it struck me odd the first year everyone switched over to the NCV3 body that Pleasure-way was the only one selling the 3500 chassis. Obviously, they figured it out faster than everyone else because they couldn't remain competitive with that kind of differentiation. If one could search back I think you might find a comment I made about that when I went to the Minneapolis RV Show at the time. The rest of the converters quickly switched over to the 3500 chassis I think after just one model year, but Winnebago ERA and Four Winds hung in there for two model years stupidly with the extended bodies yet. Four Winds just quit the market and Winnebago took a year off before coming back in the market with a 3500.

    The point is if you see a 2500 4 wheel V6 engine (NCV3 body) Sprinter RV on the market, be wary. That would be the converter model year of 2009 or 2010. Most all used the previous chassis year of 2008 and 2009. I'm not sure if they ever used the 2007 NCV3 chassis in North America for Class Bs. I thought their importation was delayed a year.
  • Davydd wrote:
    Roadtrek did with the Adventurous RS but Pleasure-way from the get go built on the 6 wheel 3500 chassis for their Plateau.

    Uh, incorrect. Pleasureways were all four wheels on the 2500 chassis until either 2008 or 2009.
  • update. They purchased the Pleasure Way from the original owner who is moving to a larger unit. He gave it to them for what he would have received from a dealer selling it on consignment. He has done some mods that they are happy with (like LED lights and nicer floors). It was very obvious that this RV was his baby. I think they will be very happy. Thanks for the help.
  • I it quickly appeared from the replies the RV with 4 wheels and tires was another brand that she and her husband were not interested in. Thanks for the replies.
  • There was a short period maybe a year or two at the most when the NCV3 V6 models first came out and most all the converters built on the 4 wheel 170" WB 2500 chassis. Roadtrek did with the Adventurous RS but Pleasure-way from the get go built on the 6 wheel 3500 chassis for their Plateau. Thor with their Four Winds got out of the Class B business shortly after and Winnebago with their ERA took a year off before coming back with a 3500 chassis. I haven't read a lot of complaints about those years but I would be leery of any NCV3 2500 chassis Class B.
  • DaCrema wrote:
    Thanks. Perhaps it was something else. I noticed that all RT Adventurous models currently sold had duel rear tires but not knowing the brand thought maybe an older RT that was 22' came with singles. I also found on the Roadtrek website the OCCC.
    Perhaps I misunderstood sis and she was concerned about the OCCC of the Agile. Can anyone comment on if the OCCC in the Agile is enough for two on a long trip, say a month. They are both short and in good shape so 350# for the two people and a small dog. I added 50-75# extra weight to be safe for OCCC the calculation, but sis and husband may kill me if they read the post. Figure hot water tank full, fresh water quarter to half full, meals for a three days to a week depending on storage.

    since it's made for 2-of course it can and will. no problemo

    i looked at roadtrks site agile 1500 pounds occc
  • Thanks. Perhaps it was something else. I noticed that all RT Adventurous models currently sold had duel rear tires but not knowing the brand thought maybe an older RT that was 22' came with singles. I also found on the Roadtrek website the OCCC.
    Perhaps I misunderstood sis and she was concerned about the OCCC of the Agile. Can anyone comment on if the OCCC in the Agile is enough for two on a long trip, say a month. They are both short and in good shape so 350# for the two people and a small dog. I added 50-75# extra weight to be safe for OCCC the calculation, but sis and husband may kill me if they read the post. Figure hot water tank full, fresh water quarter to half full, meals for a three days to a week depending on storage.
  • mlts22 wrote:
    I'm guessing you mean a Roadtrek RS Adventurous. Those numbers are on their website.

    You are right... the six wheels mean a 3500 Sprinter, which will have significantly more payload capacity than the 2500 Sprinters or the T1N models.

    the only roadtrek sprinter with no dual rear wheels is the agile which is 19 feet 5 inches. if the sister is looking at a 22 feet nine inch roadtrek it is dual rear wheels. if she is looking ar srw it is the agile
  • I'm guessing you mean a Roadtrek RS Adventurous. Those numbers are on their website.

    You are right... the six wheels mean a 3500 Sprinter, which will have significantly more payload capacity than the 2500 Sprinters or the T1N models.