Neecies wrote:
Davydd wrote:
Roadtrek did with the Adventurous RS but Pleasure-way from the get go built on the 6 wheel 3500 chassis for their Plateau.
Uh, incorrect. Pleasureways were all four wheels on the 2500 chassis until either 2008 or 2009.
Nope, correct. I have a 2009 brochure in hand that shows a 3500 body NCV3 Plateau. I have a 2008 brochure that was still selling the 2500 T1N body. I had heard they may have marketed a 2500 NCV3 body initially in Canada but never in the US. I remember it well because I had a Pleasure-way at the time and it struck me odd the first year everyone switched over to the NCV3 body that Pleasure-way was the only one selling the 3500 chassis. Obviously, they figured it out faster than everyone else because they couldn't remain competitive with that kind of differentiation. If one could search back I think you might find a comment I made about that when I went to the Minneapolis RV Show at the time. The rest of the converters quickly switched over to the 3500 chassis I think after just one model year, but Winnebago ERA and Four Winds hung in there for two model years stupidly with the extended bodies yet. Four Winds just quit the market and Winnebago took a year off before coming back in the market with a 3500.
The point is if you see a 2500 4 wheel V6 engine (NCV3 body) Sprinter RV on the market, be wary. That would be the converter model year of 2009 or 2010. Most all used the previous chassis year of 2008 and 2009. I'm not sure if they ever used the 2007 NCV3 chassis in North America for Class Bs. I thought their importation was delayed a year.