Forum Discussion

Bordercollie's avatar
Jul 12, 2015

Onan 4000 Generator Hard Starting from Panel

The generator on our 2004 Tioga sometimes won't start using the switch on the control panel. It cranks sluggishly and quits cranking after a second or two. Does not have priming position. Genset starts quickly/reliably from start switch on generator. Generator starts from house battery. Batteries and converter charger are relatively new and voltages at battery terminals are good. I suspect that there is something amiss with the remote starting circuit in the panel, perhaps wiring is not of heavy enough gauge or there is a defect in the panel's switch, or in a relay or fuse holder or other high resistance problem. I don't have a wiring diagram for the generator starting circuit. Would appreciate info from others who have solved this annoying problem.
  • My failed to completely shutoff from the inside switch. Started up fine. There was a loose ground wire inside the switch a little tightening did the trick.
  • I had the same problem with mine. Removed the contacts cleaned to a somewhat good shine, dialectric grease, autozone, pep boys etc.. took of like a bandit. This was at the 100 hour mark, give or take.
  • You might consider disconnecting and cleaning the wiring harness connectors on the generator - sits right up front on the left. Applying something like noalox to the connectors might help as well.