Sprig wrote:
dougrainer wrote:
...This also happens to HWH jacks under warranty?...
If it failed under warranty, then I'd figure it was built improperly and let HWH pair for the repair.
I have Power Gear level jacks on my RV. I've had each one of them stick at some point in time over the last 10 years I've owned it.
My jacks get progressively quicker to retract with more frequent use, and slower when stationary for periods of time.
Sometimes inexpensive patch-job repairs can outlast the life of the vehicle.
Are you aware your Jacks have grease zirks in the bottom collar to inject grease to help the jacks retract? IF you have Powergear Jacks, that is why they have the grease zirks. THIS DISCUSSION IS ABOUT HWH JACKS, NOT POWERGEAR. Apples and Oranges. Doug