Forum Discussion

6ofus's avatar
Jan 09, 2019

Opinions Please

My husband and I are still learning about Class A Motorhomes and over the past few months have done a lot of reading. We found this Georgie Boy listed about an hour away from us and I'm just curious what other people's opinions are about it.

I believe the ad is incorrect and should be listed as a 2006 not 2007 model. We wanted to wait until fall to purchase something but I couldn't help but look. I should note that we would be replacing the carpeting and couches.

So tell me what you think.....give us the good, the bad and the ugly on this buy.
  • 185EZ wrote:
    I always wondered what the interior designers were smoking when they picked out material
    Doesn't look too bad
    Are tires original?
    I didn't notice any jacks.

    LOL yes but I have seen worse! There is a video posted on the web page and it states "tires are fairly new". I have not seen it in person though
  • Why do you think it should be a 2006 and not a 2007? You can't go by the VIN as that's when the chassis was built not the MH. It's very common for the chassis to be a year or two older than the body.

    my thoughts;

    it looks very clean and well cared for. The fact that the dealer has so many pictures means they don't seem to be hiding anything and in the video they point out issues which seems very forthcoming. The mileage bothers me. It's only about 2k miles per year so it may have sat for long periods of time. I'd be curious to know genset hours - low is not good for those either. If the weights are correct on the ad there is very little room to tow a vehicle. Looks like only about 2500 lbs capacity left. Looks like they are right on avg retail from NADA. Low retail is $27k. You can bet they traded it in much less than 27k, but I am sure they had to detail it etc. Check for leaks, roof condition, inside cabinets and bins for signs of water etc. He says the tires are 2016 so that's good and saves you money there. But all in without seeing it, it looks like a very nice coach.
  • I always wondered what the interior designers were smoking when they picked out material
    Doesn't look too bad
    Are tires original?