Forum Discussion

ol__yeller's avatar
Explorer II
Sep 13, 2014

Our New Class C (to us) & 7 New Tires To Boot!

After nearly a year of looking, today we closed on our new (to us) RV. It passed the chassis and house inspections with flying colors. On our test drive last Sunday, we blew out a tire on an inner dual. I was almost ready to walk away but the rest of the RV was so nice, especially after the junk we have been looking at.

Thanks to you fine people here, I read about the Michelin tire recall and these tires were Michelins. I took the RV to Discount tire and drove out with 7 brand new tires, total cost $0.

The new RV is fully loaded with full body paint, and almost every option offered by Winnebago when it was new. The woman we bought from only owned it for a year and the first owner was an elderly gentleman from CA who took excellent care of his rig, and it showed. It is a 2008 Winnebago Aspect 26A. It was built on the new for 2008 Ford E450 chassis.

We pick it up tomorrow and bring it home to make it our own. I can't wait to get out camping again.
  • She wasn't in the RV with us when it happened. We drove about a quarter of a mile at 25MPH and then the speed limit went to 45. As soon as we got to 45, the tire came apart. Fortunately it did no damage to the RV. Before I drove it I had noticed the sidewall cracks even though she advertised that the rig had "new tires". The owner appeared to be more worried about how she would get the RV back to the storage lot with a bad tire. AAA to the rescue and they put the spare on. I was amazed how easy it was to get the tires replaced. It was a little difficult finding a store (small town) that had 7 of the replacement tires but after a few calls we tracked them down.

    With the new tires the RV drove great. This is especially sweet for me because 4 1/2 years ago I had a major heart attack and while my health has improved dramatically from that very low point, sadly last year I had to sell my truck and trailer because it was too much on me to keep it up and also do all the setup when we camp. Now with a much smaller, easier to drive setup we are back camping. First stop, Grayland State Park on the Washington coast. Our favorite spot.
  • Congrats! Who did your inspections? If a third party you paid, you would think they would have picked up on the recalled Michelins.
  • Congratulations! I hope the blowout did not cause any damage. Great that you checked the tires for warranty, that was a big saving. I am curious, how did the owner react when the tire blew?
  • Nice score on the tires. Sounds like this forum saved you about 15 years worth of dues, awesome. Tires was the first $1500 (one of many) that I dropped after getting our MH.
    Happy trails to you.