Forum Discussion

AllenTC2's avatar
Aug 15, 2017

Paging adventurous BayStar/BayStar Sport owners......

I have been doing a lot of reading (online) and watching (on YouTube) about RV life and I'm slowly narrowing down what I want to do post-retirement. One thing I know for certain is if I stay on this continent, I want to rove, constantly.

As it's just me, I don't need a lot and I've started to focus on smaller Class As (~30') and truck campers. The Class As certainly look liveable full-time. I'm really liking what I've seen and read about Newmar (BayStars and BayStar Sports, specifically) but I'm kinda thinking I would prefer to be off the beaten path more than I think a Class A can take me. Hence the parallel interest in truck campers.

What I'd like to hear is about anyone with a 30'ish Class A who has taken their coach off the asphalt and onto BLM land, or something similar. How does a motorcoach deal with dirt? Friday I'm going to visit a dealer in Ohio and ask him the unthinkable. LOL
  • one brand "earthroamer"

    not cheap, but built for off road off grid

    not class A, but a special rugged class C

    check those out, see if they Fit your budget

    next best thing is a 4 wheel drive truck with a Camper on it
    a good setup might cost close to the cheapest EarthRoamer
  • I'm sure the dealer will tell you that their product will handle those dirt roads no problem. The reality is you better GO SLOW as the above post said. Watch for potholes.
  • My coach deals with dirt just fine. Rough roads different story slow slow slow