We were at Pearl Harbor in May. They have a row of special parking up front for survivors. It saddened me greatly to see that even on a busy day, all of these spots were unused.
For me it was a life long goal to visit.
My dad is gone now but was there during the attack. He and another fellow climbed onto a roof next to Hickam Field to set up a large caliber gun. While doing so, they were strafed and my fathers friend was hit directly in the head, killing him instantly.
My dad continued to shoot under fire as long as he ammo.
He was awarded two Bronze stars - one for this incident and one for some other event I'm unclear of.
The events of that day never left my dad. It changed him forever though he almost never spoke of it. It was only during the last year of his life he told his story to me.
After PH he marched into the Philippines under MacArthur.
It's clear to see shy they are called the greatest generation.