The next motorhome we buy will definitely have automatic levelers. It was an option when we bought our current motorhome, but I didn't think it would be worth the money. Automatic levelers = $3,500 option vs a box of Lynx Levelers = $30. I figured the $3,470 savings would buy a lot of gas. I wish we sprang for the option.
That was reinforced on our last trip. The first day we got there I leveled the camper, but didn't put the stabilizers on. That night we had a storm with lots of wind and rain. The wind was strong enough to rock the camper. The next morning I noticed we weren't level anymore. The lynx levelers actually sank under the front passenger tire. Had to re-level, then I put the stabilizers on. After a few weeks the guy camping next to us asked if we were still level (he arrived the week before us). I explained the above and also told him that we weren't as level as we were after I re-leveled. It wasn't as bad as before so I didn't bother with fixing it. Fortunately for him, he had automatic levelers.
By the end of our trip, 6 weeks, we were noticeably out of level.