HI Mant
Welcome to the forum and to RVing.
First some information. The switch for the dome satellite antenna is a rocker switch which may have a functional light in it. The switch for the Over The Air (OTA) antenna is a small button on a plate that looks like a connector plate. It must be on (turns on an amplifier) for over the air TV.
I do not have and have not had your brand of coach so I can not help any further.
A great help to you and others is to include details of your coach in your signature, check out mine below. If I ask a question about my coach anyone knows immediately year make and model not to mention what I tow.
Have fun, eventually you will track down the wires and in the process you will learn where things are - many coaches have fuses in several places, on mine they are in an outside compartment below the driver, in an internal compartment in my back close. In a previous gas coach they were above the drivers left foot and under the hood.
Look for a Holiday Rambler board on IRV2 for people who have your specific coach to help out.