Forum Discussion

garymunson's avatar
Feb 01, 2015

Prewiring for electric brakes?

Does anyone know if Fleetwood (mine's a 2004 Flair) MHs are wired to the dash for electric brakes? The MH has a trailer plug that's wired but I couldn't find any mention of prewiring anywhere.
  • You can call Fleetwood with the serial number and they will tell you.
  • If it's built on a Ford chassis it is at least partially wired for brakes. Ford installs the plug under the dash for the controller, and runs all the wires to the end of the original frame rails.

    The body builder may have added frame extensions. If they did and didn't run all the wires to the rear of the coach they should be folded back and taped in the main wiring harness on the drivers side frame rail at the junction of the Ford supplied frame rail and the extensions.

    All the wires in the harness should be labeled as to what they're for. The easiest way to find them is follow the ones that are at the rear of the coach forward until you reach the large loom at the end of the original frame rails. Then open the loom and look for the additional wires. The last 6 inches or so are usually folded forward and taped to the other wires in the loom.

    The easiest one to find is the light blue #10 wire labeled "brakes".

    One other note, The plug for the controller under the dash usually requires a short jumper harness to match the plug to a specific brand controller. We used a Tekonsha Prodigy controller (now replaced by the Prodigy P2). You can also buy the jumper harness from Tekonsha. They are chassis specific i.e. Ford, Workhorse (Chevrolet), Dodge, etc.
  • I for the life of me could not find mine, looked all over till my back hurt, than I was down under dash looking for wires to hookup my brake controller and making a list on how much wire I needed and I found it by accident, mine was sitting on top of that mess of wire loom tucked behind some wire, its there but its like finding a needle in a haystack..
  • gary,
    About 99% of the coach builders do pre-wire for a electric trailer brake controller. The don't however, make it easy for you to find it, in some cases. In many cases, it's tucked up, under the dash, in a bundle and may or may not be labeled. If I recall, it's usually a blue wire, a white one and a red one and possibly a black one too. I'd start by probing around under the left side of dash, to the left of the steering wheel and see what you can find. It might take a while, depending on how crowded it is in that area. Good luck.