Forum Discussion

cwenger's avatar
Feb 19, 2020

Price to expect if a RV dealer buys my coach

I am interested in selling my Class A coach to a RV dealer and would like to get a ballpark price that I might get. I want to sell outright, not place it on consignment.

I entered my coach info to the NADA website which only gave me average and low retail prices. A RV salesman said not go by those prices but to get NADA dealer trade-in prices. I can’t seem to find that info on their website.

Can anyone provide a link to get NADA dealer trade-in prices?
  • I bought our current MH from a private party meaning I'd have to sell our previous MH. I had it sitting with a for sale sign in the window for several months and no action. A local dealer said they would buy RVs outright. I visited their location and talked it over with a salesman. We both agreed average wholesale was about $20k but Mr. BIG would need to make me an offer. His offer was $13k. I really wanted to see it gone and was just about to let them have it for that price when literally a couple of hours later, the phone rang with someone interested in buying it. A neighbor knew they were looking for an RV to live in while their house was finished. The price in the window was $22k and I settled on $20k. All I can say is thank God! It was a good deal for me and also for them as the average retail was closer around $30k.

    Best of luck to you.
  • Good dealers will buy your motorhome outright if its something they can use. You should take it to any Camping World. They gave me a very fair price. You can't expect them to pay you retail. Any RV you sell to a dealer has to go through the shop. They will pay you NADA wholesale which is likely better than if it went to an auction and you won't get that selling it privately. The reason you should go to a dealer is they handle all the paperwork, title, etc. Good luck.
  • It’s just about time for you to take a bath...financially.
  • A good sales manager will offer you wholesale for your coach and sell it at retail. Expect 20 to 30 percent difference between the two.
  • I had a friend who had a new DP. He found a dealer willing to buy it but, the price offered was crazy low. So you probably can find a dealer who will buy your rig but you will basically give it away.

    My friend finally sold his privately but had to pay about 5K out of pocket to close the deal.
  • IF (big IF) a dealer would buy your RV outright (not a trade) you are going to lose a pile of money! The question is.....are you willing to do the work? If not, take the loss and move on.
  • I don't think those are available to the public. On a guess, I would say they would give you about 60 percent of retail at best. Unless you want to take the hit, selling it privately is your best bet. They have to make a profit on storing and selling the rv. As a business, they cant give you retail price. Even selling on consignment, they generally want 20 to 30 percent commission. PPL motors has a spot on their website that lists previously sold unit prices. This might give you a better idea of what a realistic retail price is.
  • Never heard of a dealer buying a coach outright. Trade maybe but never buying it. Anyway, NADA should show you 3 values, one of which is average retail. the dealer will be MUCH lower than this number. Probably closer to low retail.

    You know you can probably do much better private sale right?