Forum Discussion

booty51's avatar
Mar 14, 2014

propane fridge on when traveling

Ok just thought I would ask, " If you are driving how many of you run your fridge on propane? Some other thread hit on this as a safety issue just wondering what the masses are doing. I do realize some of you modern guys are all electric, and if its to uncomfortable inside we run the genny for more ac cooling thus not on propane! But do you see a problem just running on propane?

NO I don't, but shut it off when refueling!
  • Bill of Bills RV in Ventura, CA does not recommend having the fridge on when traveling. As I remember if the pipes clog and the flame is on there can be trouble. He recommends staying out of the refer to avoid spilling the cold air out.
    Mine is off unless it's 95 degrees outside and we are traveling over four hours or so. Me Wife puts in cold packs just in case.
  • As long as its (literally) moving.. On... If you are stuck in traffic on a grade or something you may want to switch it off so it doesn't cook the chemicals off.
  • I always leave it on. My fridge is on the opposite side of the my gas tank. I've never thought about shutting off when refueling, I guess Im going to start doing that from now on.
  • Run on propane when travelling. I will turn the fridge off when refueling if I remember too. Not too worried about it compared to the guy smoking in the area.