Forum Discussion

HoleShot_Photos's avatar
Jul 11, 2013

Propane Leak, Fridge not working??

I'm dry camping this week so when i left for dinner i turned off the generator and shut everything down. When I came back 3 hours later there was a nasty strong smell in the RV. One i have never smelled before. I immediately was concerned that it might be LP Gas. I was not running anything for it to be carbon monoxide which you can't smell anyways.

I have an LP Gas detector and it's good and functioning so i'm confused about that one. The hot water heater was NOT ON at all. When i turn off all power the fridge switches to LP Gas so i think that might be the culprit if there is a leak. When i switch the fridge to LP Gas right now i here it CLICK... to switch to gas... i only hear it once... and the CHECK light on the fridge does NOT come on. So i'm assuming it's working.

However on the outside of the motorhome where the HOT VENT is for the LP Gas fridge vent i feel no heat coming at all. So i'm concerned that it might not be lighting like it's supposed to. I know for the hot water heater i can see the blue flame. Is this the same case for the fridge LP Gas? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Sounds exactly like what we just had...a sweet smell when the fridge was on LP and initially thought a propane leak but alarm never went off and the fridge was working as normal albit with the smell...

    RESULT? Our burner tube in the fridge was blocked up and what you are smelling is burnt propane...unblocked tube and all is fine
  • Could it be a dry battery stinking? Have you checked the water levels in the batteries lately? Just a thought
  • Please have your tank check out. We had a propane leak and found out that it was a crack in the tank. So we had to buy a new tank. Its not safe to drive with a leaky tank, it can blow up on you. So have that tank check out for your safely.
  • There is a plastic vented / louvered grill on the outside of my Motorhome that is on the back of the fridge, I can put my ear close to that and hear the propane burner running. There isn't a vented hot spot so to speak.
  • HoleShot Photos wrote:
    I was mistaken. the vent outside is for the heater not the fridge. So I guess the fridge doesn't have a vented hot vent port like the water heater and furnace.
    Comes out the roof - vents straight up the outside wall from the burner. Looking at your profile pic, it appears to be right centered above the storage compartment just in front of the rear wheels. Think that is a plastic cover and it should snap off, and you should be able to see the burner unit in there. As I said, the vent goes straight up to the roof from that point. LP smell - I would not call it a nasty strong smell, but if depends on how the supplier scents it. But my nose does not work as well as it once did. You could ask the local fire department if they would do a service call and check it out. Some will.

    Oh, the photos!!! Very nice work - my compliments!! I did a lot of surveillance work for your previous employer!
  • i just put water in all of them just in case. So far everything is smelling better... i'm just venting everything... sorta scared to go to bed right now.
  • I was mistaken. the vent outside is for the heater not the fridge. So I guess the fridge doesn't have a vented hot vent port like the water heater and furnace.

    I don't smell any ammonia at all. I honestly can't describe the smell. Maybe i was getting some rotten smell from the gray tank. I took a shower before dinner and then left. It's possible. But it should only have 2-3 showers in it. It shouldn't smell rotten and kick back fumes.
  • You could slightly loosen a line to the tanks and see if thats the same smell.
    If not then it may be ammonia from the fridge. Have you opened the fridge door yet? If not then stand way back open it just a little so if there's ammonia in there it doesn't get to you. You'll be able to smell it first that way.
    When mine failed it nearly knocked me out (stumbled out of trailer as I was blacking out) and it slightly burned parts of my face.
