Forum Discussion

Phedley's avatar
Oct 23, 2021

Protection from freezing

I have a 2006 Winnebago Navion, I was wanting to travel Williams Arizona in December. My question is if I keep the inside warm and the holding tanks heaters on would my plumbing freeze? What are your thoughts?
  • Phedley wrote:
    I have a 2006 Winnebago Avion, I was wanting to travel Williams Arizona in December. My question is if I keep the inside warm and the holding tanks heaters on would my plumbing freeze? What are your thoughts?

    Assume you have a Navion, not an Avion?
    Texas to Arizona in December? You should be fine, just run the furnace as required to keep the interior warm overnight, if the outside temperature dips below freezing.
    As far as the tank heaters, mine are DC powered, so unless you have a huge battery bank, I would avoid using them, unless you also run your generator or are plugged in to shore power, overnight. They'll suck your batteries dry in a few hours if yours are like mine.
  • Hi,

    I initially had freeze up problems because the furnace would not run in my class C when I was driving. I solved that by adding a twin window fan to replace the cold air return grill. The fans draw a scant 27 watts (they are 110 volt). I do have them on a mechanical thermostat.

    A side issue is the fridge--I use a thermocube and a 60 watt bulb.
  • Where are you driving from and what are the lowest temps you expect to encounter? Our Class A has managed ok in temps as low as -4 deg.F heading south in January.