With the help of a couple neighbors both watching and listening outside the RV for me, I tried several times to get the slide retracted but it seemed to want to jamb into the LR ceiling. No odd noises noticed. Didn't seem to retract crooked or anything though.
Finally got a brainstorm and figured that the slide could be helped by lowering the opposite side of the RV and raising the slide side.
So that's what I did. After extending the slide side jacks, and lowering the opposite sides jacks, the slide came in without a problem. Seemed to have plenty of space between the top of the slide and the ceiling.
So now I'll do that every time I'm not completely level and need to retract the slide. I've been traveling the last several days to several different RV parks, and only felt the need to do that once so far, and again, worked great, slide came in without a hitch.