Forum Discussion

Coach_Cleats's avatar
Nov 02, 2015

Ran out of diesel..How do i restart?

Replaced and refilled both new FFs before attempting to start. C7 ran fine then choppy then shutdown and can't restart. Tried to restart 4 times and almost ran but not starting.

Should I use ether in attempting to start. Open to suggestions!
  • The first time I changed the fuel filter, I put it back on dry. I could not get the air out of the system. I cranked for hours. Turned the key on then off a million times. It would just crank.

    I found a tip about pressurizing the fuel tank. I cut a scrap block of wood to cover the fuel filler opening. Glued a little piece of inner tube to the bottom. Drilled a 1/4" hole through the block. I then held the block over the filler opening and used my compressor with a blow gun attachment to put air in the tank through the 1/4" hold drilled into the piece of wood. Just a couple squirts of air. Maybe 10 psi. Then I covered the hole with my finger while holding the piece of wood tightly to the fuel opening. I had my wife crank the engine over. Started within about 10 seconds.

    Now I always pre-fill my fuel filter with Seafoam!

    Good luck.
  • Do NOT use ether-- your engine has an INTAKE MANIFOLD HEATER. Ether on a red hot wire can lead to an EXPLOSION.

    Use your manual primer pump to to prime. Pump it until it goes from easy to very firm. Be sure to tighten it back down when you are finished.
  • Will need to bleed of the air in system, may need to get mech. to do this unless you or friend know something of the fuel system.