Coachmen 1998 34' with Chev 454.
3000 miles
Problem Cheverolet Built it!
Since we have been motorhoming quite a while now we have several breakdowns but this series is probably the worst and ended up with us really happy in a new Holiday Rambler Endeavor DP. First major trip on a 1998 Coachmen 34' 454 to Gainsville, FL no problems but on the way home as we go thru Mobile, AL, the exhaust gets very loud. Wife is driving and we decuss it, no problem as 454 always have problems with exhaust manifolds, we will drive on home. About 130 more miles in Magee, Mississippi she says we are smoking very badly. We stop in a parking lot, and oil leaking from the engine area and find the oil cooler line melted and oil running out. Find a mechanic (on Sunday to come and help) son looks at front tires and says what are these shiny things around the tires, both of the steel radial were showing thru all the way around the tires, Coachmen had forgotten to realign the front end after building the coach. The mechanics go to find parts and get a plug to put in the block to plug up the oil cooler line and discover the motor moves as the left engine mount bolt does not go thru the mount, the mount sits on the bolt that how the oil cooler line melted as the engine would torque up and the exhaust would hit the oil cooler line. Fix that too, change the worst looking tire, pay them $75 (More than they asked) and drive home.
This coach had everything you can think of break including the rear hitch, exhaust, ecu, and so much more. Chevy spent over $20,000 trying to fix it and fianlly bought it back. We had 3' yellow lemons plastered all over it we were so disgusted with it. While we were waiting for them to decide to buy it back we bought the Holiday DP. It was the best move we could have made, loved that coach even though we did have a break down on it at at about 80,000 miles when one of the calipers stuck and wore the rotor half way thru. We got it towed home 150 miles and got it fixed with new rotor and caliper for $300. It was on a freighliner chassis.
1998 Holiday Endeavor DP Cummins 230HP Allison 6 speed
80,000 miles
2000 Four Winds Funmover with V10 Ford
40,000 miles
The next breakdown happened almost 2000 miles from home in California. We have a Four Winds funmover with Ford V10. We had about 40,000 miles on it. Pulled to a stop and when we went to go, it would not move. The engine ran fine. We let it cool off for about an hour and it worked. We did this on and off for a week while we were in Ca once it was rolling, everything worked fine. We got home and had our trans guy look at it. Ford had left two bolts inside loose and let fluid seep through. Out of warranty we paid $2500 to rebuild whole transmission. It has 100,000 miles on it now and runs great.
We had some of those wonderful Firestone tires on the Fun Mower, the first one blew at 70 mph in Ohio and about scared the wits out of us. After the first one and until we got Michelin tires on it, we got where we could change a tire in 15 minutes since we have an air compressor on board. Get spare out, jack it up, use air wrench off and on, load junk tire and gone. When done with trip, take tire for free warranty replacement. Finally got tired of it, put new tires on it and then Firestone recalled the tires. Glad for the Michelins.
1997 Eldorado Class C 31' Ford V10
114,000 miles
Last breakdown was about 6 weeks ago in 31' Eldorado class c motorhome. We were headed out of town to a race about 300 miles away and had gone only 40 miles when loud bang in the rear. Found two rear tires on right side blown out. Tools would not fit the lugs, called my service manager at our store and he bought tools and we put one spare on and limped it back home. Used another vehicle and replaced the tires the next week as well as repair the wheel well damage. It did not have Michelins on it either but we were only going to use this one for a while til we bought a new one, howerer one son used it to go to Norwalk, Ohio a week ago. He lost two tires on it and it now has two new Michelins.
Pictured below are the Funmover and the Eldorado as we still have them.
Many more I am sure but these are the ones that come readily to mind.