Boy I hit the wrong key and have to start all over. My rig is a 1996 Allegro, chev. 454 P30 chassis with 70,000 miles. This is a long story, but it's hard to leave out details that I'm sure someone going to ask.
It happened on I15 between Las Vegas and St. George UT. I was going through the gorge, had just came down one hill, hit a flat area and bamb. Terrible noise coming from under the rig. I couldn't stop because I was over a gorge with NO shoulder. I went another 200 feet and seen a sandy pull over spot which I did. When I hit the sand I almost stopped dead, but had managed to be off the road by only 6". I tried to start the rig and move, but nothing moved. My cell phone was dead in the area and a HP came along about 12:30 and called Camping World RS. By 5 PM I got worried about the darkness etc. and gave a May Day to truckers going by. About 7 PM a wrecker camer from St. George 22 mi. away. After hooking up he started to disconnect the drive shaft and noticed that the rear whell was coming off the axle hub. So he had to go back and get a flatbed. About 8 pm he returned and winched the MH on the flatbed. Luckily the wheel screwed back into the axle instead of coming out any further and we got it on the trailer. Upon disassembly two days later, the axle had broken, bearing failed, broken brake line etc. which left no brakes, no emergency brake, nothing. If I'd of been going downhill, I probably would of lost control of the rig and hit the ravine. There was NO prior indication that anything was wrong, no bearing squeel etc. just bamb. Camping World had called a wrecker at MP 79 in Utah to go to MP 22 in Utah. I was at MP 22 in Nevada. The HP that called also identified himself as a NVHP at MP 22. I was told that a new axle was not available and a specialist cut the old axle housing off and welded a new one on, $1600. Both wheels were rebuilt. The scariest moment of my life when looking back on what could of happend to us. I could of been going down a step hill and finding out I had NO brakes, NO tranny to downshift, NO emergency break, and with the engine quit, very difficult sterring at 60 MPH!!!! It just wasn't our time to leave this earth.