I wasn't aware of any recall at the time. I had own this motorhome a grand total of 3 days when the converter pluged on me. I will give the # a call but to be truthfull I really don't expect much to come of it. As for the oil the motorhome has been sitting not moving, I am still a working stiff, Too old for a paper route, too young for social security, and too damn tired to have an affair. It has been sitting ever since I parked it in December, I don't intend to start it untill the weather warms up a good bit. As for the exhaust, it has the Banks power pack system on it which I beleive already has headers. Yes I am comcern about the fuel pump now that I have heard about it, I look through the service records the owner gave me, I do not recall the fuel pump ever being replaced. Another ticking time bomb I see. So far this ford chassis is living up to its name "fix or repair daily". You would think after the terrible beating ford took in the 70s and 80s with shoddy production they would have gotten their act together in the 90s.