IIAFFI wrote:
Thursday, April 14, 2005 I took my '95 Bounder to our mechanic and asked him to change all the belts on the motor (Chev 454) "I am headed to Vegas thru the desert next week and don't want any surprises". Done.
April 17, 2005 while driving to Vegas from Los Angeles on I15 at Yermo, no power steering, no alternator voltage, etc) pulled off the freeway and (SURPRISE!) found the alternator belt broken. $391 to tow it to Barstow, $120 to replace the belt and a seven hour delay in my trip to Las Vegas -- it was Sunday afernoon and I figure I was lucky to get it fixed even if it did take 7 hours.
I noticed you've already been told "if it ain't broke--don't fix it." I respectfully beg to differ. To my untrained ear this sounds more like a case of "you get what you INspect--not what you EXpect."
I have read it opined here (by many) that doing the belts on a 454 in a MH isn't an entry-level job. That may be. But, it's obviously a job there's a way to do *right* and several ways to do wrong (while taking somebody's money for it anyway). Might it pay you to acquire the proper tools and educate yourself how to do this one right, yourself? I wish you success in straightening it out--tools in hand or otherwise.