We were in Phoenix,filling up on Diesel when I noticed some coolant dripping under the back of my 06 Monaco Safari Cheetah Diesel pusher. The hose from the low point to the header tank had a leak near the low point where it did a 180 degree curve under a frame member. I was unable to buy a replacement hose, so I loaded up on extra antifreze and pressed on Eastward.
We were driving thru Kansas on a windy and very cold day when I noticed that the dash heater was not putting out heat! Why? I found out 15 minutes later when the low cooling fluid light can on. I pulled over and found the back of of the RV was wet with cooling fluid. The cause was the hose from the header tank to the low point had split where it made 180 degree turn under a frame member.
I limped to the next service station and made temp repairs by cutting off the degraded part of the hose and routed it more directly to the low point and clamped it. We bot enough antifreeze to refill the cooling system.
On the way home we stopped for warranty service in Elkhart,IN and added this problem to the list. When the defective hose was replaced I rescued the hose from the garbage and dicovered that it was "zero pressure Marine exhaust hose"!
This is the same Monaco that later went Bankrupt and my waranties are thus usless.