I did the fuel pump replacement in my 2001 E-350 based Chateau sport.
Was unable to siphon fuel as there is a roll over check ball. Tried thru the vent line also and was not able to get a siphon thru that either. Used motor cycle tie downs going from frame rail to frame rail to keep tank level and secure while lowering with jack. Take loose hose clamps for filler and vent line. Lower just enough to reach fuel lines (have fuel line quick disconnect tool ready) and electrical connections. Used brass punch and wooden hammer to remove collar holding fuel pump in the tank. Had old pump out and new one in the tank in a couple minutes. Overall even with full tank it was a maybe a 4 hour job. Only spent around $200 for Napa replacement fuel pump. I think in cool conditions,,making sure there are no ignition sources around, no electric tools, battery disconnected, this can be safely done by a reasonably handy person.