I've had the recalls done prior to May 2012. The fridge worked fine during our last 3 week outing at Myrtle Beach in May. Now it's a lot hotter and again getting ready for our annual August trip. Last summer we cancelled because I felt the fridge was not getting cold fast enough, and was failing. I may have been too quick to judge, because it seemed to work fine later during cooler weather. I'm thinking if the cooling fans had been operating we may have been OK.
Can anyone here tell me how to function-test the fans now to see if they're working? My book says the thermostat switch in on the first fin, where ever that is (probably out of reach from the access opening).
If I could simulate 160+ degrees there, that might do it.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Doug 2003 Winnbago JourneyDL 330 Cat