That RED light on SOLID (Recall Box) indicates the Stack High-High Temp Sensor has tripped (700*F)
When tripped ALL DC to fridge shuts off
So either the cooling unit has a 'Leak' (check for any yellowish residue in/near burner area or ANY place on tubing.
No signs of leaking......
Has it Rained?
Have you washed the RV recently?
Water can 'short' the Recall Box little circuit board/sensor wiring etc
Hair Dryer to rid the box/wiring of moisture then Tilt Box more downward so it is less susceptible to moisture
Could just be a faulty Recall Box circuit board....most current version is 'E'
* look thru small opening on front of Recall Box and check which version you have ---if not 'E' contact Norcold for upgrade
IF not an 'E' the lower versions may/may not reset using the magnet
Strong Magnet held on face of Recall Box near top and then slowly move back/forth until you hear a CLICK and RED Light goes OUT