erniee wrote:
If the recall box is doing it’s job, how come you have to reset it with a magnet
Like all things man made, they have their quirks and especially for a fix that was made as cheap as possible for satisfying the government.
A little more money and it would reset on it's own with unwarranted nuisance tripping or at least for just having to turn the power off and back on. I think that's what I had to do with with my ARP until I moved the sensor up a bit. One must remember that the ARP is much more temp. sensitive. Then again, like Doug said, he could have been way off level and for causing the fridge to overheats. I believe that's what happens anyway.
In the case of the OP, it's pretty obvious that his fridge never even got to 350F and proven by the fact that he has both units hooked up in his fridge.
As for me, I'm just glad I have a simple low energy compressor unit now with most of the garbage gone. Thing is with a Norcold, most were inefficient and didn't earn the nickname NEVERCOLD for nothing.