I think people mean well trying to be helpful, and when they don't have the full picture, so to speak, or all the information needed, they default into a warning mode, with the "good intention" logic being "better safe then sorry". Humans tend to be afraid of the unknown, and in the case of the odd torsional suspension that many Safari coaches have, good intentions coupled with fear and/or ignorance fester into a taboo rumor mill. I guess the good side is, the ones that do there research can get an awesome coach for pennies on the dollar. The bad side is, the ones that have small budgets, are not good at doing research, and don't know a lot, miss out on a great coach with in there budgets. You just can't win them all. I know that I am very happy and thankful that my wife stumbled on our Safari. I could not have asked for a better roomier layout in a quality coach package, and it has served us very well over the years. Knowing how great these coaches are, I try to be as informative on the things I know about them as I possibly can, the rest is up to each individual.
BTW, nice Toyota RV, and pretty impressive mileage. :-)