Had exactly the same problem with my 454 Dolphin.
Temp gun revealed fan clutch was not engaging until 250 degrees, replaced with NAPA part to yield maginal cooling. Removed the Aux fan and voila, perfect temps. Aux fan was blocking good air flow.
Wally C.
Flyfisherman128 wrote:
I know this has been discussed to death but here goes. '92 Winnie 454 overheats. I did all the things suggested right up to replacing the radiator i.e. replaced the fan clutch, changed the thermostat, flushed the radiator, cleaned the radiator, replaced the aux fan. I am at that point. I am tired of watching my temp gauge running on the edge of red. I am about to replace the radiator. My question is..radiator shop rebuild or DIY replacement? I have the tools, skills and garage to do it myself. I only want to do this once, I want to do it right. I haven't brought it to a radiator shop to see what that will cost verses ordering up a new one.