Thanks for the info! I completely forgot about wireless hdmi! The model is a 2002 bounder 36s. It has a TV in the driver's back rear where the whole back wall is a wardrobe. It has a 19 inch I think in the cubby but all the space behind is empty. I was thinking about putting the hard drive and an Xbox back there. I was thinking about putting the wall mount or large swing arm for that side wall where there is just a window. I would go to the ultra light 4ks so the mount would weigh more than the tv.
There is also a slide and when you put the slide out there are a couple of cabinet doors with a large mirror on the wall that connects to the bathroom with existing outlet on that wall. I have seen newer models that have a TV there instead of a mirror too that I thought about swapping. We plan on most of our trips to disney campground which does have hookups.