427435 wrote:
Many of you are confusing force (torque) with power and work (hp) and need to re-take physics 101. Torque is the force on the axle TRYING to turn it. There can be a lot of torque on that axle BUT, if it is not turning, there is no movement of the MH and no WORK being done. When it is turning, there is WORK being done. The faster the axle turns, the more work (hp) is being done. Remember that a 1000 hp gas turbine may only have 175 ft-lbs maximum torque, but it is spinning at 30,000 rpm. And it will move a tank nicely and last a long time.
A 350 hp gas engine will do as much WORK as a 350 hp diesel engine. It may not last as long operating at max hp as a diesel engine, but that is due to design targets the engineers were given. The gas engine will also need more gear reduction to keep it in its peak hp rpm range.
so then in theory your claiming a 350 HP gas engine will power the
the 34000lb MH up a hill at the same rate and speed as the 350HP cimmins will? just operating at different RPM ratings?gas being 3X what the diesel is reving