Zanderof wrote:
We have no manual and haven't been able to find one close enough to a 97. SO we have found it impossible to find all of the fuses and breakers.
We don't know enough about the systems to know how to release the pressure off of the jacks ourselves and with no manual, aren't sure we are comfortable doing it blind! However, with the jacks engaged we can't take it to a mechanic.
Any advice on where to find the fuses or breakers?
With few exceptions the fuses and breakers should be in the same place. There are three places to look for them on a self-propelled RV. Only one place in a pull-behind.
In both type of units there should be a panel inside that might hum sometimes. That is the circuit/breaker panel where all the electrics are located for the "House" side of the rig.
Self propelled, otherwise referred to as motorhomes have that as well as a fuse block under the dash and another under the hood.
The jacking system MAY have a fuse located on the control panel somewhere that looks like a button with a little number printed on it It will usually twist off, revealing the fuse.
Sometimes the class A will have a panel in one of the overhead compartments in the cockpit that may contain fuses for some systems.
If the jacks are hydraulic there should be a pump somewhere. there should be a release screw on the pump for manual operation. Slides should also operate on a pump if they are hydraulic as well. You may find a compartment with two hydraulic pumps on your rig. One would be for the slides and the other for the jacks.
On rare occasion both systems operate from a common pump. There might be valves that can be manually adjusted to manually operate the systems.