doxiemom11 wrote:
I think they are saying they went to Pep Boys - bought new batteries - took them back and hooked them up themselves. They just didn't notice that the new ones were not the same as the old.
Yeah. It happens. Thing is that the grease monkey at the counter SAW what they had and gave them something totally different... not that it LOOKED too much different, just that it WAS different.
I imagine that the OP and her husband have limited knowledge in the area... maybe they have changed the battery in a car before. Pretty simple procedure, take it apart and then put it back together the way it came apart. I can see them doing it and I can bet they were being VERY careful to hook everything back up the way they took it apart. Probably checked and double checked.
Problem is the GREASE MONKEY sold them the wrong parts. Now, given the limited knowledge they had, OP and DH did not catch the difference.. something that many of us WOULD because we have learned... but something that many people would not realize.
Unfortunately it will be very difficult to hold the three monkey responsible for the damage since it was OP and DH that actually performed the work.
THAT SUCKS but not much can do about it.