Back to the problem at hand. Just for a starting point. I have a fuse panel in the dash (under the driver side dash board. Resetable breakers in the first bay behind the entry door. Breaker and fuse panel under the refrigerator. AND a set or resetable breakers up front with the genset. I know my coach is not even the same brand as yours and I have diesel but locations of breakers are similar on most coaches. You may have a resetable breaker. They are usually a little black boxie looking thing about an inch and a half long and half inch wide. There is a button on the side to 'reset' the breaker. Hopefully a breaker (or more) was thrown when it saw the 24 volts.
Do you have any friends that are RV'ers that might be able to help you out? Maybe even a shade-tree mechanic. RV's are just like a BIG car with a few extra parts.