Zanderof wrote:
we had a mechanic out at the rv today and he got the jacks released and the slide back in and diagnosed the problems for us! We have a messed up circuit modular for the jacks and a completely fired circuit modular for the slide out. So while we still need to finish getting it repaired, it's at least on the ground, has the slide in, and we know what needs fixed! I want to thank everyone for their advice and help! You all were right about the issues, we just didn't know enough of what we were looking at to figure it out!
Well. That is great. You are on the road to recovery. It will be a bit expensive to repair but in the end you will have learned something and be better off for it.
Believe me we have ALL made blunders with our own rigs so you are not alone.
Do not let that deter you from working on your own rig, though. Just remember to do your research and familiarize yourself with the job before you grab the tools.
There are tons of resources online as well as a world of knowledge right here on the forums. Most folks really enjoy sharing their knowledge and expertise here. It is most rewarding to help out a fellow RVer so do not be afraid to ask anything no matter how dumb you may think it is.
Who knows, someone else may come across your situation and be able to learn from it as well. Someone else may have your same question and find their answers as well.
I will admit I was a blame fool idiot when I bought my RV, having never owned one before. Thanks to the membership of I found many helpful people that showed me how my experiences in house construction and maintenance and vehicle maintenance matched very well with RV ownership. The things I did not know I found the answers to right here on these threads and through Google searches.
I consider myself an adequate mechanic capable of most any job but I have even found helpful maintenance tips and advice on these forums and on Youtube as well!
If you are not sure about posting your issues in the open forums please feel free to take them to a member in PM as well! Heck, I will be more than happy to address your concerns that way if you like.
I guess what I am saying is to not be afraid to do stuff in spite of this little mistake. So what You made a mistake It is what you take away from it that matters.
You now know not to fully trust the guy behind the counter unless he has proven himself trustworthy.
You now know to research your parts before you buy just so you go in with knowledge as knowledge IS power!
You now know your limitations, liabilities and strengths. You have a baseline to work from. You can establish your expectations as well as your capabilities so that you can best utilize your time and funds.
And most important you now know there is a very large community of people dedicated to being your friend no matter where you go or what you do while you are out there in the wilderness of RVing! You are never alone. As long as you can get to the internet you have support!
Mae sure you slip back in here after all the repairs are made and let us know how things worked out!