Forum Discussion

Williamh's avatar
Sep 02, 2013

removing eternabond tape

I have been toying with the idea of putting eternabond tape on all of the seams and especially around the sky lights in the kitchen and bath room of the motorhome, but I have also wondered that if I do put it around the skylights, just how hard would it be to remove it if for any reason that later I might have to replace the skylights. any info would be helpful. thanks

  • CG Dawson wrote:
    Pogoil, I suspect maybe you did something wrong during your install like putting it over silicone. I put it on both end cap seams and around the skylight about 5 years ago and it is still stuck like it was put on yesterday.

    I followed directions to a T.

    Put it on a fiberglass seam front and back, no silicone, roof seams had never been sealed except from factory, used roller to apply pressure.

    If you re-read my post the white tape separated from the gray sealant. That is tape failure not incorrect installation.

    Been sealing RV. roofs for 25 years.

  • Williamh:
    Folks seem to have migrated away from your original question. I found that an oscillating tool with a smooth blade works quite well to remove eternabond and is a WHOLE lot faster than a heat gun.
  • CG Dawson wrote:
    Pogoil, I suspect maybe you did something wrong during your install like putting it over silicone. I put it on both endcap seams and around the skylight about 5 years ago and it is still stuck like it was put on yesterday.

    A few years ago there was a bad batch of Eternabond. There were a whole bunch of posts of people that had a bad experiance.
    Some had there Eternabond rolls replaced for free, but the labor for removal and replacement was on the User.
    Too bad as it seems 99% of Eternabond users are happy.
    You can do a search to find the posts about the Eternabond failures. I guess I was lucky, the five or six rolls I have used were all good. I would not like to have to remove defective tape as it is very very difficult.
  • Pogoil, I suspect maybe you did something wrong during your install like putting it over silicone. I put it on both endcap seams and around the skylight about 5 years ago and it is still stuck like it was put on yesterday.
  • I put it on 3 years ago and it failed in 2 years,
    The white tape started to lift off the adhesive in places.

    Followed directions to install perfectly.

    To say the least I was disappointed. When I went to remove it it was quite a job.

  • John Wayne wrote:
    I think if you go to the Eternabond web site it will tell you how to remove. For the sky light you could just cut the tape at the sky light base leave the tape on the roof and put new tape over the old.

    This is what I did and it worked perfect. My roof has three layers in some places due to several modifications. It has been ten years now and all is well and water tight.
  • Heat gun or pull it off. If you pull slowly, both the tape and the adhesive will come off. A heat gun is much easier but it leaves much of the adhesive.
  • I think if you go to the Eternabond web site it will tell you how to remove. For the sky light you could just cut the tape at the sky light base leave the tape on the roof and put new tape over the old.