Jsejmz09 wrote:
LOL what a bunch of skeptics. The Rv is used for a band bus and 95% of the time is on shore power. We only want to use it occasionally driving down the road. So Yes I am going to put louvers in the door and mount a helping fan beneath the unit to assist with the internal fan that blows down thru the open bottom and draw fresh air in. I will send a bunch of pictures when I am done. I am determined you don't need to spend 4500 for a generator because you have an RV. PS: of course the exhaust will be extended beyond the chassis.
I too would love to get rid of Onan in my RV life. I'd love to see someone get this successfully done, so I wish you all the luck and look forward to seeing some updates and pictures! I recently replaced my Onan with a new one. I maintained my old Onan 7000 perfectly and yet it was nothing but trouble every year. My Honda generator was totally neglected, and yet it has NEVER been in the shop for repairs! I was thinking the solution could be to remove the Onan from the bin, install a hitch carrier with an enclosure for a Honda with remote start. On the enclosure, make a small door that opens for the exhaust and power 2 12 volt fans on the enclosure (one sucking air in, one blowing air out). Could power the 2 fans from the 12 volt source on the Honda generator. The power output could be made so that when you unplug from shore power, you could plug into another outlet that is supplied by the Honda on the generator but close to the shore cord area inside the bin. The idea that the Honda would not pull fuel from the main tank is not that big of a deal, because the Honda fuel tank itself might have enough capacity to run many hours before needing to be refueled. Would also be easier to treat ethanol enriched fuel because you would only be treating the generator fuel, not the entire motorhome tank. A Honda on the hitch is not the perfect solution, but it might be a reasonable one when you are simply tired of pouring more and more money into the Onan, and wanting the reliability that the Honda provides. Reliability over convenience with the Onan might tip the scale for me next time.