Forum Discussion

Pico2011's avatar
Mar 19, 2015

Resale value on discontinued models?

I am looking at a 2009 Thor Mandalay 43 for sale (in amazing fine condition) but can not find any other used ones for sale for comparison... How much of a factor is this in terms of future resale value down the road as opposed to buying a known brand like a tag axle fleetwood model?
  • are probably right...that's the great feedback I was looking the end of the day this is a asset and just trying to minimize taking a "massive" hit versus a "major" hit down the road..
  • Pico2011 wrote:
    I have found another (2008 Fleetwood 42K) that I really like with only 16K miles but it is 1,000 miles from me. At least with the Fleetwood I can see 20+ other ones for sale and there seems to be a market for them.

    This particular Mandalay coach is in amazing condition and way below NADA market value, but the thought of owning this model and not seeing even one other for sale makes me think I will have the same issue selling this 3-5 years from now, and take a huge depreciation hit (huge being more than normal...)
    It sounds like you would always have buyer's remorse. With that being said, take your money and go down the road and get something else.
  • Good point! :-)

    Any way to see how many of these models were actually made in 2009? I do know that was the last year before they went under?
  • Maybe you don't see them for sale because the people that own them like them and don't want to sell them.
  • I have found another (2008 Fleetwood 42K) that I really like with only 16K miles but it is 1,000 miles from me. At least with the Fleetwood I can see 20+ other ones for sale and there seems to be a market for them.

    This particular Mandalay coach is in amazing condition and way below NADA market value, but the thought of owning this model and not seeing even one other for sale makes me think I will have the same issue selling this 3-5 years from now, and take a huge depreciation hit (huge being more than normal...)
  • Find a 10yr old RV that is still in production unchanged and then get back with us.

    I can think of one or two (ie: airstream) but even those aren't the same if you start looking at the details.

    Unless they stopped making it because of a problem, it should have almost no impact.
  • If the manufacturer is still in business, then I would think it have very little effect (like Dale said).

  • Once it is out of warranty it really makes no difference. Almost everything on the coach will still be available and were made by other suppliers.
  • Little if any effect. Models come and go along with production lines changes. Most everything in, on and under the coach was made by someone else with the coach OEM just bolting everything together so the coach really isn't that much of an orphan.