Forum Discussion

TexasJorge's avatar
Dec 24, 2014

Roof bubbling or blisters

I was up on my roof earlier for the first time in 6 weeks or so, & was alarmed at the number of places that are forming separation bubbles, or blisters of varying sizes in my roof coating. None appear to have broken open yet, but that cannot be far from happening.
I am approaching my first year of occupancy, and have had no leak problems so far.
My best guess is the atmospherics of the recent seasonal change. I'm in S Texas, so it has not been that severe, only a couple of cold snaps, one of which is beginning now. I did not recognize any deterioration in the past, so this IS rather sudden.

Guess I should add some info. This is an older Gasser Pace Arrow. I did a search here on the forum for roof maintenance. I imagine this is a resealing problem, but I am soliciting guidance from those with experience. When I bought this 13 months ago, the seller indicated it had been done recently. I am checking my maintenance records, haven't found anything yet. It looked good when I inspected it b4 purchasing it. The effect I am asking about is very recent. None was in evidence 6-8 weeks ago. There are 6-8 places of varying sizes with no real pattern along the roof.
Am I looking at patching with the Dicor product I read about? Looks like I can get that at CW.

How long does a reroof generally last?
Any advise on patching and or experiences on DIY reroofing from you guys would be appreciated.
Merry Christmas
  • For previous posts on this subject search this Forum for `roof' then search the results for `bubbles' and read on.