I can put the ADCO cover on our class C by myself -- but it sure is easier with a helper.
To self-cover, I roll it up and put it on the hood with the back end facing up, then I climb up on the roof, reach down with a broom, then pull it up and start walking to the back, shaking out the cover as I go to get it to drop down to the sides.
Removing is the pretty much the reverse -- unhook the back, push it up to the roof with a broom, then climb the ladder, then loosely roll it up as I go forward, using care near the front so I don't walk off the front while it's obscured by the loose cover. (I have a vent over the front bunk, so that's where I stop walking and just kneel down and push off the front onto the RV hood. The worst part is if the side of the cover gets snagged on the wheel well or something, then I need to climb down and unsnag it before continuing.