This is drifting.
Yes. The path must be direct. You cannot put in electronic switches and boosters. You can insert a mechanical A/B switch. The mechanical switch simply opens and closes specified connections. The path is still direct.
This is done everyday and in newer MH is becoming more prevelant for the reasons the OP states. I have and use an A/B switch regularly for about 2 years now, in my Tiffin Allegro 36LA. My wetbay has a Tripod port that is connected with RG6 to the A/B Switch, as is the Wingard RTM, from the A/B switch to the electronics compartment, where my receiver is.
If there is not RG6 from the wetbay, I suggest, to avoid power loss to the Tailgater, to run a new line of RG6 into the RV, to a place where an A/B switch can be installed. The AB switch is not required if the OP wants to manually switch between incoming cables but it is sure convenient to not stick my arms in the back, unscrew and try to rescrew the other coax, when a few bucks will make it a flick of a thumb.