Forum Discussion

Hydrowilly's avatar
Nov 21, 2019

Seeking propane dealer

Anyone know if truck stops on I-81 in Pa or south on I-81 that sells propane for your motor home?
  • You are a long way from me in Canada, but I must say that here we have an American retail store, Costco, that has the best prices for propane refills and 20 pound bottles.
  • K Charles wrote:
    If you filter the column for bulk propane to yes and filter state to PA YOU GET 4, 2 of which are on I81.

    ok great thank u.
  • If you filter the column for bulk propane to yes and filter state to PA YOU get 4, 2 of which are on I81.
  • I'm just pointing this out because it appears to me that there is more than one way to navigate this Flying J site getting different results.
    Being that's the case, I would make a phone call to the station to verify they have the service that you are looking for before you make the trip to find they don't have it.

    In other words, coming down from VT. , if you are traveling southbound, don't bypass New Milford if you think you can gas up and Propane up near Harrisburg because they might not have propane. One method of navigating this site shows Carlisle as having LP, the other does not.

    I only see 1 on I81 in PA. Previously shown , the one in New Milford #710 near Scranton

    On that site the top bar shows LOCATIONS
    On the left side of that page you select a CITY or ZIP
    Then a RADIUS in miles
    Then select STORES THAT HAVE
    Then you select from the services list BULK PROPANE or PROPANE
  • If you go to Pilot flying j web site and click on RV services they list all the truck stops that have LPG. It looks like several on I81 in PA has it
  • I won’t exchange my tanks. I know they don’t have issues. I don’t know if the offered tanks do.
  • Along with propane dealers, easy ones to find are most Tractor Supply stores, also many ACE hardware and in Va, Southern States feed and farm stores. Gas stations and truck stops usually want to do exchanges on 20 lb tanks.