Forum Discussion

ROYBUCK's avatar
Apr 05, 2014

Selling of MH (Decision-Decision)

They always said if you don't want to buy a DP don't drive one, well I didn't listen so I drove one and bought one. Now the next decision Selling it, I thought I had maid up my mind to sale washed it cleaned it up to take to the foot hills of NC and leave it to get some miner work done, not a wasted trip since my daughter lives there. Finished washing it this morning, decided to take it for a spin before I leave in the morning to make sure it was running ok, now I am about to back out on selling it. Sure miss my DW I need her help in the decision. Have a safe summer Roy
  • Roy, you might want to wait a bit... Not sure how long it has been since you lost your wife, but grief counselors advise not making major life change decisions for at least a year... and some folks need longer..

    also it is a likely easier to keep what you have than replace it, if you sell and then regret the sell.
  • Roy,

    Keep the coach for the summer, plan some trips, enjoy the drive(s) and meet some new folks.

    It always makes me feel good to get behind the big windshield and roll on down the road!
  • I think selling it would only increase your feelings of missing your wife. Keep it and meet some new people, not necessarily a new wife or girl friend, but good friends that can help to get though your loss.
  • Mr.Mark wrote:
    Since you posted this in a public forum, I'm guessing you wouldn't mind hearing opinions.

    Roy, I think your Darling Wife IS telling you what to do. Keep it and enjoy the heck out of it. Why stop what you apparently love doing? If you still can travel and have grandkids, bring'm along.

    Sounds like a perfect hotel to stay while visiting your daughter in the driveway and you can have your privacy.
    You might even have fun going to rallies to be around people as you just never know who you might meet whether it be a female or even a good buddy or a group of people to go fishing/hunting/motorhome repairing/motorhome trips, etc.

    I've seen things like this happen in my own family. I know if I'm in this situation, I'm going to keep going, enjoying life and traveling as that's what friends, family and spouses would want you to do.

    Also, I also think your hesitation is telling you something. Listen to it.

    Travel safe.

    I fully agree and also suggest you keep doing what you obviously have enjoyed doing in the past. Pack up and take off for a week or so. Do you have a little puppy dog? If not, might consider getting a rescue one somewhere as they can be a lot of company. :B
  • Since you posted this in a public forum, I'm guessing you wouldn't mind hearing opinions.

    Roy, I think your Darling Wife IS telling you what to do. Keep it and enjoy the heck out of it. Why stop what you apparently love doing? If you still can travel and have grandkids, bring'm along.

    Sounds like a perfect hotel to stay while visiting your daughter in the driveway and you can have your privacy.
    You might even have fun going to rallies to be around people as you just never know who you might meet whether it be a female or even a good buddy or a group of people to go fishing/hunting/motorhome repairing/motorhome trips, etc.

    I've seen things like this happen in my own family. I know if I'm in this situation, I'm going to keep going, enjoying life and traveling as that's what friends, family and spouses would want you to do.

    Also, I also think your hesitation is telling you something. Listen to it.

    Travel safe.
  • There are lots of singles out there. Load up and go enjoy life while you still have the strength. Sitting home waiting to die does not sound like fun to me.