It all depends on YOUR Finances. If you can handle a bill of $3000, then self insure. If that $3000 would have to be paid with a Credit card because you do not have the extra funds, then consider a ESC. SELF INSURE???? That would mean banking about $500 to $800 dollars a year. After 7 years, you would have less than $7000, IF you had not already spent that money on needed repairs. But, self insuring will usually beat the odds. Inspectors do NOT wait weeks to come out. They will come out within the week if the unit is ready for an inspection. They are independent subcontractors and they do not get paid until they submit their report. Take the cost of the ESC and divide by the years of the contract and see if that annual figure is worth the price for piece of mind. They ARE betting you will not have a lot of covered repairs, and they usually win that bet. Doug