Good morning.. Yes, we have critters. Watch for snakes as they like to lay on pavement to keep warm. They appear everywhere including RV parks so watch it at night and morning..If hiking just don't let the dog go running through the desert. keep them on a leash and close by, you'll probably hear the snake before you see it.. Scorpions like to hide UNDER stuff. If packing away to travel check on and under everything, just don't blindly grab and carry as you might get stung. Don't leave shoes out, if you do always check them before putting them on. Scorpions don't come in the RV much, more a problem with ants. Scouring powder around the RV wheels etc will stop them. other than that, enjoy the trip. it's a beautiful country out here. Especially if you get lucky and get some rain!!! Wife came along and reminded me to mention the coyotes, wild pigs, and tarantulas. Are you creeped out yet? these all fall into the same category as snakes. Don't leave the pets out. actually, most of the tarantulas aren't bad guys. just look bad being spiders and all!!!