boss302 wrote:
Also I have heard of some form of illness that dogs can catch out West and am concerned for my Yorkie as he is also diabetic. Any information on this would also be helpful, as to what it is and any special medicines I should take or watch out for.
we spent last winter in the yuma foothills and always walked our bichon on a leash. only saw one scorpion who was very quick to scuttle off and hide. no snakes. however, near the end of our stay, our little girl did come down with what the vet thought might be kennel cough, tho she had not been exposed to dog parks, doggy day care, or elsewhere she might have been exposed. my hubby had contracted the "yuma crud" early on (it never bothered me) and we discovered that local honey and bee pollen took care of it. when the dog started coughing, my hubby gave Frosty some honey with bee pollen. i was appalled--but it worked! LOCAL honey, bee pollen. thank heaven. otherwise, we absolutely loved the area and have our reservations for next year.